Monday, December 7, 2009


Part A:

This is what I learned about Newton's First Law...The main idea in Newton's first law is that it deals with forces and changes in velocity. If an object is moving along at a steady constant speed then it will continue to move at constant speed. ( Restating:If there is no net force resulting from unbalanced forces acting on an object, then the object will continue to have a constant velocity. If that velocity is equal to zero then the object stays a rest.) An object that is standing still and no other forces contact it then it will remain still.What I have found difficult about what I have studied is mass and wieght. Sometimes I can not recall how to set up the equation. Also, I forget the fact that weight(vector) is different from mass(scalar).My problem-solving skills were horrible last trimester. I just could not seem to get it together . That trimester I had trouble with graphs,acceleration and constant velocity (50% of the unit I would say, that confusion is dispalyed in the grade I got). However, the classwork and the homework over equilbruim and torque seemed easy to me. I think that I have obtained a full grasp on both of these topics and the problem-solving that you have to do within the problems.

Part B:
All around us Newton's first law is being used constantly. Take my uncle for example he is a  pilot that commutes from one city to the next. He uses the first law when he changes the setting of the airplane’s engine. The famous NASA, uses the law when launching a rocket straight up into the air. Even when a little child is outside on a bright sunny day flying his bright red kite can be an example of Newton’s first law when the wind changes.

Isaac Newton's First Law of Motion
Newton's Frist Law


  1. Please clarify about this law being about changes in velocity. Constant speed means zero acceleration!

  2. Overall your posting is well put together. However just to clarify a little bit, I would clarify the change in velocity part. ALso don't forget to erase your small comment about torque in Part A. I like your Part B examples, but I would explain why each example has to do with Newton's First Law rather than listing them, but I think it is really good other than that!!!
